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Handling Authentication

HttpServerShim provides two major way of handling authentication and roles:

  1. Authorization header with Bearer token
  2. server-session cookie with token definition

Defining Authentication Handlers

Both bearer token and server session feed into customHandler function under config. You can define the authentication behavior based on the authentication token given and assign corresponding roles to the current access level.

import { Result, ok, errorResult } from 'ts-basis/nodejs' = async (
op: HttpOp,
token: string,
): Promise<Result<boolean>> => {
if (token !== 'my_token') {
return errorResult(new Error(`Unauthorized`))
// e.g. if JWT token, async verify here ...
return ok(true)

Using ReturnCodeFamily for Enumerated Returns

Inline errorResult with custom Error object can also be replaced with your custom ReturnCodeFamily if you want to enable full enumerated returns.

import { Result, ok, errorResult, ReturnCodeFamily } from 'ts-basis/nodejs'

enum AuthenticationTokenCodeEnum {
export const AuthenticationTokenCode =
ReturnCodeFamily('AuthenticationTokenCode', AuthenticationTokenCodeEnum) = async (
op: HttpOp,
token: string,
): Promise<Result<boolean>> => {
if (token !== 'my_token') {
return AuthenticationTokenCode.error('TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED')
// e.g. if JWT token, async verify here ...
return ok(true)