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HTTP Decorators

Exhaustive list of HTTP decorators provided by ts-basis/nodejs

Table of Contents

HTTP Decorators

GET Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.GET('/path')
  • Purpose: Register a handler for HTTP GET requests to a specific path.

POST Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.POST('/path')
  • Purpose: Register a handler for HTTP POST requests to a specific path.

PATCH Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.PATCH('/path')
  • Purpose: Register a handler for HTTP PATCH requests to a specific path.

PUT Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.PUT('/path')
  • Purpose: Register a handler for HTTP PUT requests to a specific path.

DELETE Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.DELETE('/path')
  • Purpose: Register a handler for HTTP DELETE requests to a specific path.

CRUD Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.CRUD('/path')
  • Purpose: Register handlers for all CRUD operations (POST, GET, PATCH, PUT, DELETE) to a specific path. Works with datastore backend with CRUD support for doing CRUD operations on data entity with known unique path.

METHODS Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.METHODS([HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST], '/path')
  • Purpose: Register handlers for multiple HTTP methods to a specific path.

ACCESS Decorator

  • Usage: @HTTP.ACCESS({ ADMIN: true })
  • Purpose: Define access control for an API method based on roles.

Function Documentation

Request Class

  • Attributes:
    • op: Operation instance.
    • oriReq: Original Express or Fastify request object
    • headers: Request headers.
    • params: URL parameters.
    • body: Request body as a string.
  • Methods:
    • getHeader(headerName: string): Retrieves a specific header value.

Response Class

  • Attributes:
    • op: Operation instance.
    • oriReq: Original Express or Fastify request object
    • oriRes: Original Express or Fastify response object
    • headers: Response headers.
    • statusCode: HTTP status code for the response.
  • Methods:
    • send(payload: string): Sends a response with the given payload.
    • end(payload: string): Ends the response with the given payload.